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As members of the Wake Forest community, undergraduate students serve as active bystanders to create a community without hazing.

Being an active bystander means becoming educated about what hazing is and the detrimental effects it has on those being hazed. Being an active bystander also means knowing how to report hazing, supporting friends who may have been hazed and standing up to others who may still believe hazing is acceptable.

Or call the Hazing Hotline at 336.758.HAZE (4293)

Definitions of hazing vary, but all have common factors:

  • Power differential between those in a group and those who want to join a group, or between senior and junior members of a group
  • Intentional initiation rite, practice or ‘tradition’ involved
  • Willingness to participate does not absolve responsibility for either party


Read Wake Forest University’s Hazing Policy to better understand our definition of Hazing.

Did You Know?

  • Hazing occurs in sports teams, clubs, Greek life, cheerleading, honor societies and more.
  • Hazing is often about power and control. Hazing does not build unity.
  • More than half of students in colleges and universities involved in clubs, sports teams and organizations have experienced hazing.
  • A significant number of hazing incidents and deaths involve alcohol consumption.
  • Students are more likely to be hazed if they knew an adult who was hazed.
  • 2 in 5 students say they are aware of hazing taking place on their campus.
  • Hazing occurs in middle schools, high schools and colleges.


Learn More: Hazing in the News


Below are just some examples of hazing practices that occur across the nation. Some of these practices can be directed at new members. Other practices are directed at younger, already initiated members of the chapter by upper class members:

  • Forced activities for new recruits to ‘prove’ their worth to join
  • Forced or required consumption of alcohol
  • Requirement to eat spicy foods, other substances
  • Requirement to endure hardships such as staying awake, menial tasks, physical labor, running while blindfolded, etc.
  • Humiliation of new or potential members
  • Isolation of new or potential members
  • Beatings, paddling, or other physical acts against new or potential members
  • Requirements for new or potential members to do things established members are not required to do, such as serving as designated drivers or cleaning
  • Illegal activities such as requirement to steal local items as part of a scavenger hunt



If you’re not sure whether or not something happening to you or to someone else is hazing, ask yourself these questions:

  • Would I feel comfortable participating in this activity if my parents were watching?
  • Would we get in trouble if a school/college administrator walked by and saw us?
  • Am I being asked to keep these activities a secret?
  • Am I doing anything illegal?
  • Does participation in this activity violate my values or those of this organization?
  • Is this causing emotional or physical distress or stress to myself or to others?
  • Am I going to be able to get a job if I have to put a criminal arrest on my application?


To learn more, visit the Understanding Hazing page.